Abortion is healthcare translate

Abortion information translated into community languages

Abortion information translated into community languages – Better Health Channel

13. maj 2019 — You can have a medication abortion up to nine weeks of pregnancy. … Abortion information translated into community languages …

In Victoria, you can have two types of abortion: surgical and medication. Both types are safe and reliable. You can have a medication abortion up to nine weeks of pregnancy. You can have a surgical abortion from around six weeks of pregnancy onwards.

medical abortion care – Spanish translation – Linguee

medical abortion care – Spanish translation – Linguee

Many translated example sentences containing “medical abortion care” – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

Abortion is healthcare – IPPF

Abortion is healthcare | IPPF

23. jun. 2022 — Abortion is healthcare. Period. … lodging, child care, doula, and translation services so that accessing an abortion is less challenging.

Abortion is healthcare. Period.

Abortion language guide: how to use your voice for choice

Abortion language guide: how to use your voice for choice | MSI Reproductive Choices

By talking about abortion accurately through a rights-based framework, we can show that abortion is normal, abortion is healthcare, and that everyone …

Whether you’re a journalist, a content creator, or someone looking to spread awareness, this guide will support you talk about abortion in an accurate and stigma-free way.

ACOG Guide to Language and Abortion

Guide to Language and Abortion | ACOG

ACOG uses clinically accurate language when discussing abortion. We encourage people writing about reproductive health to use language that is medically …

ACOG uses clinically accurate language when discussing abortion. We encourage people writing about reproductive health to use language that is medically appropriate, clinically accurate, and without bias.

Family planning and comprehensive abortion care toolkit for …

Family planning and comprehensive abortion care toolkit for the primary health care workforce: volume 1

12. dec. 2022 — FP and CAC competencies for the primary health care workforce (Volume 1),; Programme and … Translation available in French and Spanish.

Through the clear articulation of the family planning and comprehensive abortion care (FP and CAC) competencies for the primary health care workforce, the aim is to advance improvements in FP and CAC service delivery by aligning health worker education approaches with population health needs and health system demands.

Safe abortion: Technical & policy guidance for health systems

efter World Health Organization · 2015 · Citeret af 6 — Laws and policies on abortion should protect women’s health and their human rights. ▻ Regulatory, policy and programmatic barriers that hinder access to …

What is Abortion? – BPAS

What is Abortion? | BPAS

An abortion is when the pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child. Sometimes this is called ‘termination of pregnancy’.

An abortion is when the pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child. Sometimes this is called ‘termination of pregnancy’.

Slovak Republic’s Abortion Provisions

Slovak Republic’s Abortion Provisions – Center for Reproductive Rights

Slovak Republic’s Abortion Provisions in English (Unofficial Translation) … 576/2004 Coll. on Healthcare, Healthcare-related Services and Amending and …

abortion – Translation into Arabic – examples English

abortion – Translation into Arabic – examples English | Reverso Context

Translations in context of “abortion” in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: unsafe abortion, safe abortion, abortion services, legal abortion, …

Translations in context of “abortion” in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: unsafe abortion, safe abortion, abortion services, legal abortion, anti-abortion

Keywords: abortion is healthcare translate